Objective: To raise data awareness and to build digital capacity to empower civil society in finding solutions and to take actions that improve their lives. By using participatory design methods to include a broader audience, including non-specialist data users (e.g., citizens or civil servants) and connect them with data professionals, to co-create new public services, this ESR project aims to:
- Identify potentials and barriers of equal access to and data use.
- Develop novel collaborative techniques and participatory methods to engage non-specialist data users constructively in co-creation with open data.
- Examine the impact of participation in co-creative ‘data-sessions’, by conceptualising and assessing data literacy, empowerment, and reuse of data for the development of new public services.
- Developing a set of practices and strategies for building data capacity and empowering civil society.
Beneficiary – Host institution:
Partners – Planned secondments: