Alejandra Celis Vargas

Alejandra Celis Vargas


Alejandra Celis Vargas started as an ESR on 1 February 2022 and joined the Institute of Communication and psychology at Aalborg University in Copenhagen Denmark. Since her start as a Ph.D. 

Alejandra Celis Vargas has researched open data education, and competencies building considering open data as an educational resource. Open data education is a novel field which lacks a clear definition of open data competencies. This definition is an important contribution for the field. Therefore, she has focused her initial work on mapping previous research in the field of open data education and on defining open data skills and learning approaches. Furthermore, next steps on her Ph.D. work are towards the development of educational designs for building open data skills. 

Alejandra Celis Vargas has also attended her secondment with CoC Playful Minds, a non-profit organisation expert in co-creation with children. This collaboration is focused on pilot studies with young students and professionals. Progression on secondment with CoC Playful Minds was done for 1 month stayed in Billund, Denmark. Firstly, with the aim of introducing the project and developing internal workshops about Open Data and its value to the organisation. Secondly, with the aim of attending the Children General Assembly 2022, a democratic world-wide event with the purpose of raising the voice and ideas of children around the world by co-creating their manifesto for the United Nations General Assembly.

Finally, Alejandra Celis Vargas as well has participated in teaching at AAU.

Beneficiary: Aalborg University (DK) 

Title Research project: Open Data Usage in Elementary Schools

Daily Supervisor: Rikke Magnussen

Academic Secondments: Delft University of Technology (NL) 

Professional Secondment: CoC Playful Minds (DK)


  • BA Industrial Design 
  • MSc Strategic product design