Dear ODECO consortium partners, project partners and interested stakeholders,
Welcome to the first Marie Curie project: ODECO – Towards a sustainable Open Data ECOsystem newsletter!

In this newsletter we will inform the ODECO consortium about the achievements and future activities of the ODECO consortium. In this newsletter we present the following news:
- Announcements
- Training events
- Online Training Program completed
- First Training Week in Denmark
- Next training week at UNIZAR
- ODECO outputs
- First articles published
- Papers published
- Papers accepted for publication
- Conferences
- ODECO at Open Belgium
- ODECO at the UAGEAN Samos Summer School
- Upcoming conferences
- From the ODECO team
- From the Supervisory Board
- From the Work Packages (Leaders)
- ODECO agenda
Click here to read the ODECO Newsletter