During the 6th to 8th of September ESR6, María Elena López shared insights from her research at the IFIP EGOV 2022 conference, which took place in Linköping, Sweden. The research collaboration “The Use of Open Data to Create Social Value” in coauthor-ship with Rikke Magnussen was published in the Electronic Governance e-Book of the 21st IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2022 conference proceedings by Springer Cham. The conference represents the merge of the IFIP WG 8.5 Electronic Government (EGOV), the IFIP WG 8.5 IFIP Electronic Participation (ePart), and the Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government Conference (CeDEM). The discussion across the conference covered topics such as Public Services, the role of Social Media, Open Government and Open Data, AI, Bots, Data Analytics, Smart Cities, and E-Government Evaluation.

The current work aims to identify the perspectives from which scholars have studied the link between the citizens’ involvement in the use of Open Government Data (OGD) and the creation of social value to solve local issues in cities as the expected result. Recent studies have concentrated on studying the barriers and conditions of using OGD by focusing on specific types and users’ motivations. Researchers have found that the critical problem of Open Data initiatives is the lack of utilization. Therefore, to allow more rigorous empirical research to assess if the estimated effects of OGD are measurable, there is a need to investigate the link between the types of users and the potential type of effects, that for this proposal is the creation of social value. The study adopted a systematic literature review to map the most current work addressing the utilization of OGD to create social value within different domains. Forty-six records were identified and characterized into four categories of studies: i) Governance – the interconnection of aspects that allow managing and using OGD; ii) Availability- aspects limiting OGD access and re-use; iii) Adoption – aspects that enable the acceptance or rejection of OGD; and iv) Impact – capacity to solve social problems. This study reinforces the move toward decentralizing data governance and civic services.