Euripidis Loukis

Euripidis Loukis

Professor of Information and Decision Support Systems, Head of the Information Systems Laboratory, at the University of the Aegean

Euripidis Loukis is a Professor of Information and Decision Support Systems, Head of the Information Systems Laboratory, at the University of the Aegean.


Formerly he has been Information Systems Advisor at the Ministry of the Presidency of the Greek Government, Technical Director of the Program of Modernization of Greek Public Administration of the Second Community Support Framework and National Representative of Greece in the ‘Telematics’ and ‘IDA’ (Interchange of Data between Administrations) programmes of the European Union.


He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles in international journals and conferences. His current research interests include e-government, e-participation, information systems impact and internal/external determinants, business process adaptation and medical decision support systems.


His Publication list: can be found here